UU - Dark Angel Unicorn

From Unstable Games Wiki
Revision as of 21:44, 3 March 2021 by Shicala (talk | contribs) (Localizations of this Card)
Image: Vinyl Exclusive
Type: Magical Unicorn Card
Special Info: Foil Card

Main Information

Second Edition: When this card enters your Stable, you may SACRIFICE a Unicorn card, then bring a Unicorn card from the discard pile into your Stable.

Card Releases

Specific Card Rules and Information

This card has no requirement preventing the playing of this card.
The card must be placed into a stable during the resolution of the card.
Replacement for Angel Unicorn in the 2nd Edition Base.
The Sacrificed card is a valid choice to be chosen from the discard pile.
Dark Angel Unicorn can be Sacrificed to the Requirement, it is then valid target however cannot be chosen from the discard pile This would otherwise have the possibility to create an infinite loop, but would be classified as "time wasting" by the Player performing it.

Vinyl of this Card & Card Photo


Localizations of this Card

UU-Base-088-2EItal.png Italian 2nd Edition
Unicorno Angelo Oscuro
Carta Unicorno Magico
Quando questa carta entra nella tua Stalla, puoi SACRIFICARE 1 carta Unicorno, poi porta 1 carta Unicorno dalla pila degli scarti nella tua Stalla.
UU-Base-088-Hungarian.png Hungarian 2nd Edition
Bukott Angyal Unikornis
Mágikus Unikornis
Amikor ez a kártya bekerül a Karámodba, FELÁLDOZHATOD egy Unikornis kártyát, hogy ezután a Karámodba rakj egy Unikornis kártyát a dobópaklibol.
UU-Base-088-RO.png Romanian 2nd Edition
Îngericornul Decăzut
Carte Unicorn Epic
Când această carte intră în grajdul tău, poți să SACRIFICI o carte Unicorn pentru a aduce o carte Unicorn din teancul de decartare în grajdul tău.

Evolution of this Card
