UU - Ginormous Unicorn

From Unstable Games Wiki
Revision as of 07:33, 14 May 2019 by Shicala (talk | contribs) (Text Translations)

Main Information

Second Print: This card counts for 2 Unicorns. You cannot play any Instant cards.

Original Text: This card counts for two Unicorns in your Stable. As long as this card is in your Stable, you cannot play any instant cards.

Text Translations

Hungarian Text
Ez a kártya két helyet foglal el az Istállódban. Amíg ez a kártya az Istállódban van, nem játszhatsz ki Instant kártyákat.
German Text
Diese Karte zählt als 2 Einhörner in Deinem Stall. Ist diese Karte in Deinem Stall, kannst Du keine Instant-Karten ausspielen.
Russian Text
Эта карта считается за двух Единорогов в вашем Стойле. Пока она находится в вашем Стойле, вы Ð½Ðµ можете играть Instant карты.
Spanish Text
Esta carta cuenta como 2 Unicornios. No puedes jugar Instantáneos.

Specific Card Rules and Information

No issues have arisen with the game play of this card following the current rules. (01/01/2019)
