UU - Re-Target

From Unstable Games Wiki
Revision as of 20:27, 4 March 2021 by Shicala (talk | contribs) (Localizations of this Card)

Card Texts

Card Releases

Specific Card Rules and Information

There is a requirement to play this card!
"There must be at least one targetable upgrade or downgrade card in a stable" during the resolution of the card.
If you cannot met the above requirement you cannot play the card.
The card moved can be from your own Stable to another player; or between two other players, but not into your own Stable. A usual occurrence is to move a Downgrade out of your own Stable.

Localizations of this Card

UU-Base-056-2EItal.png Italian 2nd Edition
Cambio Di Bersaglio
Carta Magia
Prendi 1 carta Vantaggio oppure 1 carta Svantaggio dalla Stalla di un giocatore qualsiasi e collocala nella Stalla di un altro giocatore gualsiasi.
UU-Base-056-2P-Polish.png Polish 2nd Print
Obrać Nowy Cel
Karta Magii
Przenieś dowolną kartę ulepszenia albo kary ze stajni dowolnego gracza do stajni dowolnego innego gracza.
UU-Base-056-Hungarian.png Hungarian 2nd Edition
Mozgass át egy Tápolás vagy egy Hányattatás kártyát egy játékos Karámjából bármely másik játékos Karámjába.
UU-Base-056-RO.png Romanian 2nd Edition
Reconfigurarea Țintei
Carte Magie
Mută o carte Amplifare sau o carte Limitare din grajdul unui oricare jucător în oricare alt grajd.

Evolution of this Card
