UU - Magic Elixir

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Revision as of 05:21, 12 June 2024 by WyvernWrath (talk | contribs) (Specific Card Rules and Information)
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Deck: Nightmares Expansion
Edition: 2nd Edition
Type: Upgrade Card
Status: Available

Card Texts

Card Releases

Specific Card Rules and Information

Dragon's Fortune + Magic Elixir

This is a valid two card combo that gives an unbreakable guaranteed win given there is enough cards left in the deck to process the win condition.

  • Beginning of turn phase; sacrifice Dragon's Fortune to have an additional turn, discarding a card to prevent the sacrifice with Magic Elixir.
  • Draw phase; draw a card.
  • Action phase; draw a card or play a unicorn card.
  • End of turn.
  • Take additional turn.

Repeat until win condition is met.

A card must be available to be discarded during the beginning of turn phase or the combo breaks.

Authenticity Notes

Localizations of this Card

  • This Card Not Yet Officially Translated

Evolution of this Card
