UU - Dragon Unicorn

From Unstable Games Wiki
Revision as of 02:14, 21 May 2019 by WyvernWrath (talk | contribs) (Main Information (English Text))

Main Information

Second Print: If this card leaves your Stable, you may DESTROY a Unicorn card.

Original Text/First Print: If this card leaves your Stable, you may DESTROY a Unicorn.

Text Translations

German Text
Wenn diese Karte Deinen Stall verlässt, darfst Du ein Einhorn zerstören.
Russian Text
Если эта карта покидает ваше стойло, вы можете УНИЧТОЖИТЬ Единорога.

Specific Card Rules and Information

No issues have arisen with the game play of this card following the current rules. (01/01/2019)
