UU - Tiny Stable

From Unstable Games Wiki
Revision as of 13:41, 14 January 2021 by WyvernWrath (talk | contribs) (Specific Card Rules and Information)

Card Texts

Card Releases

Specific Card Rules and Information

This card has no requirement preventing the playing of this card.
The card must be placed into a stable during the resolution of the card.
You cannot win the game if Tiny Stable is in your Stable.
The effect is continuous and mandatory status check, If the Stable has more than 5 unicorns at any time, the effect will trigger and still resolve even if Tiny Stable is removed. This effect must be resolved prior to any other when triggered.
Masquerade Interaction If a Masquerade card leaves the stable prior to Tiny Stable the player would then sacrifice down if required before proceeding.
Ginormous Unicorn counts as 2 unicorns of the total 5.

Localizations of this Card

UU-Base-081-2EItal.png Italian 2nd Edition
Stalla Minuscola
Carta Svantaggio
Se in un qualsiasi momento hai più di 5 Unicorni nella tua Stalla, SACRIFICA 1 carta Unicorno.
UU-Base-081-2P-Polish.png Polish 2nd Print
Ciasna Stajnia
Karta Kary
Za każdym razem, gdy w Twojej stajni będzie ponad 5 jednorożców, POŚWIĘĆ dowolną kartę jednorożca.
UU-Base-081-Hungarian.png Hungarian 2nd Edition
Kinőtt Karám
Ha bármikor is több, mint 5 Unikornis kerülne a Karámodba, ÁLDOZZ FEL egy Unikornis kártyát.

Evolution of this Card
