UU - Blatant Thievery

From Unstable Games Wiki
Revision as of 16:31, 23 October 2021 by WyvernWrath (talk | contribs) (Specific Card Rules and Information)
Deck: Base Deck
Edition: 2nd Edition
Type: Magic Card
Status: Available

Card Texts

  • 2nd Edition: Look at another player's hand. Choose a card and add it to your hand.
  • Second Print: Choose any player and look at that player's hand. Choose a card from that player's hand and add it to your hand.
  • Original Text: Look at any player's hand. Take a card of your choice and add it to your hand.

Card Releases

Specific Card Rules and Information

  • There are always players in any game, therefore there is no requirement preventing playing this card.
    • Choose a player or Choose any player refers to any single player, including you.
    • Choose any other player or Choose another player refers to any single player, excluding you.
    • Each player refers to all players, including you.
  • A player with no cards in hand is a legitimate choice. Even if not practical or logical.

Authenticity Notes

Localizations of this Card

UU-Base-064-2EItal.png Italian 2nd Edition
Furto Spudorato
Carta Magia
Guarda la mano di un altro giocatore. Scegli 1 carta e aggiungila alla tua mano.
UU-Base-064-2P-Polish.png Polish 2nd Print
Bezczelna Kradzież
Karta Magii
Wybierz dowolnego gracza i obejrzyj jego karty z ręki. Następnie wybierz z niej kartę i weź ją na swoją rękę.
UU-Base-064-Hungarian.png Hungarian 2nd Edition
Pofátlan Rablás
Nézd át egy másik játékos kezében tartott lapjait. Válassz közülük egy kártyát, és vedd a kezedbe.
UU-Base-064-RO.png Romanian 2nd Edition
Furt Mârșav
Carte Magie
Uită-te la cărțile din mâna unui alt jucător. Alege o carte și adaug-o în mâna ta.
UU-Base-064-FR.png French 2nd Edition
Vol Flagrant
Carte Magie
Regardez la main d'un autre joueur, choisissez 1 carte et prenez-la en main.
UU-Base-064-Dut.png Dutch 2nd Edition
Schaamteloze Diefstal
Bekijk de handkaarten van een andere speler. Kies een kaart en neem deze in jouw hand.
UU-Base-064-SP.png Spanish 2nd Edition
Robo Descarado
Carta da Magia
Mira las cartas que tenga otro jugador en su mano. Elige una carta y quédatela.
UU-Base-064-CZ.png Czech 2nd Edition
Očividná Zlodějina
Magisch Effect
Podívej se jinému hráči do karet v ruce. Jednu z nich si vezmi do ruky.

Evolution of this Card
