Casting Shadows - Energy Bloom

From Unstable Games Wiki
Revision as of 13:59, 21 November 2023 by Shicala (talk | contribs)
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Image: Base Deck
Type: Conversion Spell Card

Main Information

  • Base Deck:

Turn 1 Blue Gem in your Resource Pool into 1 Red Gem, or Turn 1 Red Gem in your Resource Pool into 1 Blue Gem.

Card Releases

  • January 2023 - Kickstarter Release Quantity of card: 1

Specific Card Rules and Information

  • Spell Level: 1
  • Collection Cost: 2 Gems (any color)

Authenticity Notes

Localizations of this Card

CS-Base-030 de.png German

Wandle 1 blauen Kristall in deinem Vorrat in 1 roten Kristall um ODER wandle 1 roten Kristall in deinem Vorrat in 1 blauen Kristall um.

Evolution of this Card
