UU - Super Neigh

From Unstable Games Wiki
Revision as of 10:31, 20 February 2021 by WyvernWrath (talk | contribs) (Specific Card Rules and Information)

Card Texts

Card Releases

Specific Card Rules and Information

At what point can someone no longer react with an instant card (Neigh) to a card play? You must give other players the opportunity to play an instant card (Neigh), simply asking "any response?" is a good verbal cue to get players to "pass". Once all players have had a chance to pass and everyone has indicated they do not wish to play an instant card, the card "resolves".
A player cannot now choose to play an instant card (Neigh), they were given the chance and declined. A player cannot assume a card is Un-Neigh'd and proceed to resolve a card without giving other players this opportunity to react to the card play.
There is a requirement to play this card!
"Another player must play a card; either as an action or to the instant pile.
If you the above requirement is not met you cannot play the card.
Can I use a Neigh card to stop someone from triggering a Unicorn card's effect? Once a card is in someone's Stable, a Neigh card cannot stop them if they choose to trigger the card's effect. NEIGH can be played to stop any Player's action phase card or any Instant card.
Once a card is played as the Action of the Action Phase and that card is Neigh'd, the one Action for the turn has been completed. The player cannot then choose to play another card.
A super Neigh cannot be Neigh'd by any card, including another super Neigh.
A super Neigh will not counter the effect of a Yay card in a players stable. super Neigh is still a Neigh.
A super Neigh will always end the instant pile (effect chain) if it is the first instant card played against the original card. As the instant pile resolves, cards are removed revealing the top card which can then have another instant card played against it.
Just because a super Neigh has been played does not end the instant pile (effect chain).

Localizations of this Card

UU-Base-083-2EItal.png Italian 2nd Edition
Carta Instantanea
Gioca questa carta quando un altro giocatore cerca di giocare una carta. Impedisci alla sua carta di essere giocata e mettila nella pila degli scarti. Questa carta non può essere bloccata dalle carte Mahiii! o Giammahiii!.
UU-Base-083-2P-Polish.png Polish 2nd Print
RżeNIE Do Kwadratu
Karta Riposty
Zagraj tę kartę, gdy dowolny inny gracz próbule zagrać jakąś kartę. Karta gracza nie zostaje zagrana i trafia na stos kart odrzuconych.Tej karty nie można zablokować przezNIE.
UU-Base-083-Hungarian.png Hungarian 2nd Edition
Akkor játszd ki est a lapot, ha egy másik játékos megpróbál kártyát kijátszani. Állítsd meg azt a kártyát még a hatása végrehhatjása előtt, és küldd tovább a dobópakliba. Ezt a kártyát nem állíthatja meg alap Nyeh.

Evolution of this Card
