UU - Magical Kittencorn

From Unstable Games Wiki
Revision as of 13:25, 11 February 2019 by Shicala (talk | contribs)

Main Information

Second Print: This card cannot be destroyed or otherwise affected by Magic Cards.

Original Text: As long as this card is in your Stable, it cannot be destroyed or affected by Magic Cards.

Text Translations

Hungarian Text
Amíg ez a kártya az Istállódban van, arra a Mágikus kártyák hatást sem fejtenek ki és azt nem semmisítik meg.
German Text
Ist diese Karte in Deinem Stall, kann sie weder zerstört noch durch andere MagicKarten beeinflusst werden.
Russian Text
Пока эта карта находится в вашем Стойле, она не может быть уничтожена или каким-то образом подвержена действию Магических карт.

Specific Card Rules and Information

INTERACTION: Refer Seven Sacker (~2018)
