UU - Hypnocorn

From Unstable Games Wiki
Revision as of 12:48, 19 October 2021 by Shicala (talk | contribs)

Card Texts

  • C&C Print: When any other player tries to trigger a Unicorn card effect, you may DISCARD a card. If you do, stop that effect from triggering.

Card Releases

Specific Card Rules and Information

When another player announces their intention to trigger a card (before it triggers and any requirements are fulfilled), Hypnocorn may be triggered preventing the effect." If a replacement effect is prevented the original effect would then resolve.
A replacement effect is triggered when another effect "would" happen and a new mandatory replacement effect happens "instead". Only one replacement effect card take effect on each card effect. Due to the nature of the trigger effect which is replaced no other effect can replace the original effect again (as it no longer exists).

C&C Kickstarter Input

As part of the 2018 Kickstarter Campaign Control and Chaos cards were designed with input from backers.
Here are some early design images prior to the final print version:
41728226 2205616196177241 7649012389655871488 o.jpg41682221 2205615656177295 7278753764557717504 n.jpg

Localizations of this Card

This Card Will Not Be Localized

Evolution of this Card
