UU - Unicorn Lasso

From Unstable Games Wiki
Revision as of 05:37, 15 May 2019 by WyvernWrath (talk | contribs)

Main Information

Second Print: If this card is in your Stable at the beginning of your turn, you may STEAL a Unicorn card. At the end of your turn, return that Unicorn card to the Stable from which you stole it.

Original Text: If this card is in your Stable at the beginning of your turn, you may move a Unicorn from any player's Stable to your Stable. At the end of your turn, move the Unicorn back to its original Stable.

Text Translations

Hungarian Text
Ha ez a kártya az Istállódban van a köröd kezdetén, bármely Játékos Istállójából átmozgathatsz egy Unikornist az Istállódba. A köröd végén tedd vissza az Unikornist az eredeti Istállójába.
German Text
Ist diese Karte zu Beginn Deines Zugs in Deinem Stall, darfst Du ein Einhorn aus dem Stall eines Mitspielers in Deinen bewegen. Am Ende Deines Zugs kehrt das fremde Einhorn in dessen Ursprungs-Stall zurück.
Russian Text
Если эта карта находится в вашем Стойле в начале хода, вы можете передвинуть Единорога из Стойла любого игрока в ваше. В конце хода верните Единорога обратно в Стойло владельца.
Spanish text
Si esta carta está en tu Establo al principio de tu turno, puedes ROBAR una carta de Unicornio. Al final de tu turno, devuelve ese Unicornio al establo del que lo robaste.

Specific Card Rules and Information

The Stolen Unicorn is in your Stable until the End of Turn Phase and the return effect trigger will move it back to it's original Stable. The Stolen Unicorn will NOT return if it is no longer in the Stable with Unicorn Lasso for the return effect to trigger. (~2018)
