UU Game Terminology - Winning

From Unstable Games Wiki
Revision as of 01:27, 16 September 2019 by WyvernWrath (talk | contribs) ([Puppicorn])

==Winning Condition== Win condition is determined when the number of unicorns is achieved and no effects remain to resolve.This is the similar condition that you are able to move to next phase, so you could use the statement;
"You win at end of phase".
This is so no player could win instantly when they got the number of unicorns required.


Puppicorn is currently the only card that lets you win outside of a phase. If it moves in a stable creating the required total of unicorns you win before the beginning of turn phase.

Tied outcome

If two or more players tie for the most Unicorns in their Stable, each tied player must add up the number of letters in the names of all the Unicorn cards in their Stable. The player with the most letters wins. If two or more players tie for the most Unicorns and the most letters, everyone loses.