UU - Rainbow Mane

From Unstable Games Wiki
Revision as of 05:20, 1 August 2019 by WyvernWrath (talk | contribs) (Specific Card Rules and Information)

Main Information

Second Print: This card can only enter a Stable if there is a Basic Unicorn card in that Stable. If this card is in your Stable at the beginning of your turn, you may bring a Basic Unicorn card from your hand directly into your Stable.

Original Text: You must have a Basic Unicorn in your Stable in order to play this card. If this card is in your Stable at the beginning of your turn, you may bring a Basic Unicorn from your hand directly into your Stable.

Text Translations

Hungarian Text
Ahhoz, hogy ezt a kártyát kijátszhasd, rendelkezned kell egy Alap Unikornissal az Istállódban. Ha ez a kártya az Istállódban van a köröd kezdetén, ebben körben a kezedből letehetsz (közvetlenül) egy Alap Unikornist az Istállódba.
German Text
Um diese Karte zu spielen, musst Du ein Standard-Einhorn in Deinem Stall haben. Ist diese Karte zu Beginn Deines Zugs in Deinem Stall, darfst Du ein Standard-Einhorn aus Deiner Hand direkt in deinen Stall spielen
Russian Text
Вы должны иметь Basic Единорога в Стойле, чтобы сыграть эту карту. Если эта карта находится в вашем Стойле в начале хода, вы можете выложить Basic Единорога в своё Стойло.
Spanish text
Para que esta carta pueda entrar al Establo de un jugador, ese jugador debe controlar al menos un Unicornio Básico. Si esta carta está en tu Establo al principio de tu turno, puedes traer una carta de Unicornio Básico de tu mano directamente a tu Establo.

Specific Card Rules and Information

The 2nd print changes how this can be played OR the effect(s) caused during gameplay from the original text release.
Original Text Card CAN enter a stable from effects, without a Basic unicorn.
Second Print Card CANNOT be played as action or enter any Stable from any effect if a Basic Unicorn Card is not in the Stable.

INTERACTION: Pandamonium: All of your Unicorns are considered Pandas. Cards that affect Unicorn cards do not affect your Pandas.
RESULT: If Rainbow Mane is in your Stable prior to the Pandamonium, you can still use the card effect to bring Basic unicorn cards from your hand into your Stable. (02/06/19) Posted by Calbrenar
