CNAT - Sand & Wind Rules

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This Command of Nature expansion introduces 2 new factions and mechanics to help you take down your enemies. Use the power of erosion to wear down your opponents over time or unleash a tailwind to attack multiple times in the same turn. Will you ride the winds to victory or get swept up in the sandstorm?


  • 2 Sage Boards
  • 28 Elemental cards
  • 2 Sage packs
  • 2 level tracker tokens
  • 20 double-sided tailwind tokens
  • 20 double-sided erosion tokens


Certain Sand faction card effects and faction actions allow you to add erosion to Elementals in your opponent's formation. Each erosion token is double-sided, with one side representing 1 erosion and the other representing 3 erosions. If an Elemental in your formation has any number of erosions on it at the end of your turn, remove 1 erosion from that Elemental and add 1 damage counter to it. If an Elemental with erosion on it also has any number of shields on it at the end of your turn, remove those shields instead of adding 1 damage counter to that Elemental.


Certain Wind faction card effects and faction actions allow you to add tailwind to an Elemental in your formation. Each tailwind token represents 1 tailwind on an Elemental at any time. If an Elemental alreay attacked has tailwind during Phase 2 of your turn, you may use that Elemental to attack again. To do so, remove the tailwind token from the attacking Elemental, then play a second Attack Command to attack again with that Elemental. Note: Each Attack Command you play during your turn still costs 1 AP.