Wrong Party - Rules of Play
Wrong Party is a draft-style card game in which players compete to create the ideal guest list. In this game, players earn points by matching a wide range of characters to different Party Themes while actively sabotaging their opponents. The player with the most points after 3 rounds wins the game. Will you host the perfect party or kill the vibe?
Inside the box, you’ll find the following components:
- 1 Party Guest deck (132 Party Guest and Effect cards)
- 1 Party Theme deck (20 Party Theme cards)
- 1 Score Tracker
- 5 Party Hats
Start by having each player choose a Party Hat to represent them and place it on the Score Tracker.
Next, separate the Party Guest deck from the Party Theme deck. Shuffle the Party Theme deck and place it facedown in the center of the table. Shuffle the Party Guest deck and deal six cards to each player. Place the remaining cards facedown on the table next to the Party Theme deck. Leave space to the side of the Party Guest deck for a discard pile, and leave space next to the Party Theme deck for an active Party Theme card.
Now you’re ready to play Wrong Party!
To start a round, flip the top card of the Party Theme deck face up in the center of the table. This card is now the active Party Theme card, which represents the Party Theme for the round.
Next, start the Draft Phase. During the Draft Phase, each player chooses one card from their hand and places it facedown in the play area in front of them, known as their Party Area. Once you place a card in your Party Area, you may not look at it until the Reveal Phase. Leave space to the side of your Party Area for an Uninvited Guests pile.
After you place a card facedown in your Party Area, place one card from your hand face up in your Uninvited Guests pile. Pass the remaining cards in your hand to the player on your left. Only one card should be visible in your Uninvited Guests pile at any time. Cards in your Uninvited Guests pile are not worth any points; however, some Effect cards will give you the chance to retrieve Party Guest cards from your Uninvited Guests pile and place them in your Party Area.
Add the cards passed to you by the player on your right to your hand, then draw one additional card from the Party Guest deck. Once again, place one card facedown in your Party Area to the right of your previously played card and one card face up in your Uninvited Guests pile, then pass the remaining cards in your hand to the player on your left. Continue this process until you have five face-down cards in your Party Area and no cards left in your hand to pass.
Once you complete the Draft Phase, it’s time for the first Reveal Phase! The youngest player must start by revealing the first face-down card in their Party Area. Proceed clockwise with each player revealing one face-down card at a time until all cards are face up. All players must reveal their cards from left to right.
After the first round, the player with the most points must start the Reveal Phase. If two or more players are tied for the most points, the youngest of the tied players reveals first.
Now that all players have revealed all the cards in their Party Areas, start the Scoring Phase. Move your Party Hat along the Score Tracker to collect your points as you follow these steps:
- Collect points equal to the Base Point Value of each Party Guest card in your Party Area.
- Add 2 points to your score for each Party Guest card in your Party Area that matches the color of the active Party Theme card.
- Add a point to your score for each Like on a Party Guest card in your Party Area that matches an attribute on the active Party Theme card.
- Subtract a point from your score for each Dislike on a Party Guest card in your Party Area that matches an attribute on the active Party Theme card.
There are two ways you can earn bonus points:
- Rainbow Party Bonus: Add 5 points if you have at least 1 Party Guest card in your Party Area that matches each of the 4 Party Theme types (Family-Friendly, Political, Raid, and Costume).
- Synergy Bonus: Add 3 points if 3 Party Guest cards in your Party Area match each other in color, add 5 points if 4 Party Guest cards in your Party Area match each other in color, or add 10 points if all 5 Party Guest cards in your Party Area match each other in color.
- 3 matching Party Guest type color cards = 3 points
- 4 matching Party Guest type color cards = 5 points
- 5 matching Party Guest type color cards = 10 points
Player 1 starts by collecting 17 points for the Base Point Values of their Party Guest cards (1+3+4+4+5). Next, they add 4 points because they have two Party Guest cards that match the color of the active Party Theme card. They also add 3 points for the 3 Likes that match the active Party Theme card’s attributes. They then subtract 3 points for the 3 Dislikes that match the active Party Theme card’s attributes. Finally, they add 5 points for the Rainbow Party Bonus because they have 1 Party Guest card of each color. In total, Player 1 collects 26 points this round.
At the end of each round, move all cards from your Party Area and your Uninvited Guests pile to the discard pile. If the Party Guest deck runs out of cards, shuffle the discard pile and place it facedown to form a new Party Guest deck.
There are four types of Party Theme cards, each denoted by a color:
Family Friendly Raid Political Costume
In addition to its type, each Party Theme card shows three symbols representing the Party Theme’s attributes that Party Guests may Like or Dislike. These attributes include:
Dual-Type Party Theme cards are special Party Theme cards that feature two colors that correspond to Party Theme types. If the active Party Theme card features two colors, you may add 2 points to your score for each Party Guest card in your Party Area that matches either color of the active Party Theme card during the Scoring Phase.
Party Guest cards feature a Base Point Value, a color that corresponds to one or more Party Theme types, and a set of Likes and Dislikes.
Some cards in the Party Guest deck can give you an advantage during a round.
Dual-Type Party Guest cards are Party Guest cards that feature two colors that correspond to Party Theme types. When you reveal a Dual-Type Party Guest card during a round, you must immediately declare a color featured on that card. Your DualType Party Guest card counts as that color for the remainder of the round.
Rainbow Unicorn cards are Party Guest cards that can fit in at any party. These cards feature all four colors that correspond to Party Theme types. When you reveal a Rainbow Unicorn card during a round, you must immediately declare a color. Your Rainbow Unicorn card counts as that color for the remainder of the round.
Effect cards are special cards that can give you an advantage during a round. Each Effect card lists an effect that you can use as soon as you reveal it (unless otherwise specified). Some Effect cards are also Party Guest cards and remain in your Party Area after you use their effects. Other Effect cards are not Party Guest cards; if you reveal one of these Effect cards, move it to the discard pile immediately after using its effect.
Some Party Guest Effect cards are gray, which means they do not match any Party Theme type (unless otherwise specified). You do not earn a Synergy Bonus if you have three or more gray Party Guest cards in your Party Area during the Scoring Phase.
The player with the most points at the end of three rounds wins the game! You’re officially ready for your new life as a party planner.