Daring Contest NSFW Deck - Inventory List

From Unstable Games Wiki
Revision as of 08:16, 16 April 2019 by Shicala (talk | contribs)

Each card is referred to by the first three or four words of the Dare/Modifier/Penalty.

Card Name Card Type # of Copies
Act out a plot point... Dare 1
Act out a training... Dare 1
Act out your typical... Dare 1
Allow the Judge to... Dare 1
Allow the Judge to draw... Dare 1
Allow the Judge to draw a unibrow... Dare 1
Allow the Judge to text... Dare 1
Allow the Judge to update... Dare 1
Apply lotion to the... Dare 1
Ask the Judge to... Dare 1
Award each player... Dare 1
Beg for a wet willy... Dare 1
Blow everyone away... Dare 1
Blow everyone's mind... Dare 1
Brutally insult each... Dare 1
Change your profile... Dare 1
Channel your inner... Dare 1
Choose a nearby... Dare 1
Come clean! Admit... Dare 1
Confess who's got... Dare 1
Conjure up the biggest... Dare 1
Correctly name all... Dare 1
Dazzle the audience!... Dare 1
Describe and act out... Dare 1
Describe how inconvenient... Dare 1
Describe in graphic detail... Dare 1
Describe the Judge's... Dare 1
Describe the last time... Dare 1
Determine who has the... Dare 1
Do a cheer through... Dare 1
Do a spot-on impression... Dare 1
Do an interpretive... Dare 1
Do the Cabbage Patch... Dare 1
Do the dishes... Dare 1
Do the Worm... Dare 1
Do your best vampire... Dare 1
Does the carpet match... Dare 1
Don't interfere! Unlock... Dare 1
Don't skimp on the... Dare 1
Don't spill! Hold... Dare 1
Dramatically read the last... Dare 1
Ease your way into... Dare 1
EXPLODE! Get really... Dare 1
Fess up! Tell... Dare 1
Find a picture of an... Dare 1
Flirt aggressively with... Dare 1
Get emotional! Perform... Dare 1
Get in there! Dig... Dare 1
Giraffes are known... Dare 1
Give a congratulatory... Dare 1
Give the Judge nightmares... Dare 1
Gloriously enter the... Dare 1
Hey, sailor! Charm... Dare 1
Hit "Random Article"... Dare 1
Host a brief seminar... Dare 1
In one pull, yank... Dare 1
Jaws dropping in... Dare 1
Let each player spit... Dare 1
Let the Judge blow... Dare 1
Let the Judge draw... Dare 1
Let the Judge go... Dare 1
Let the Judge pose... Dare 1
Let the Judge roll... Dare 1
Let the Judge tickle... Dare 1
Let's see how outraged... Dare 1
Lick the bottom of... Dare 1
Lick the Judge's... Dare 1
Lick the Judge's elbow... Dare 1
Lick the table... Dare 1
Lie face down and... Dare 1
Look out! You are... Dare 1
Make out with the... Dare 1
Make the Judge laugh... Dare 1
Make the sound you... Dare 1
Make up a passive-aggressive... Dare 1
Make up a rhyming... Dare 1
Open mic night!... Dare 1
Open the windows and... Dare 1
Perform a task of... Dare 1
Perform an infomercial... Dare 1
Perform the classic... Dare 1
Perplex your dad... Dare 1
Post a Facebook status... Dare 1
Pretend you're making... Dare 1
Propose to the Judge... Dare 1
Provide a detailed description... Dare 1
Pull up your shirt... Dare 1
Put your foot behind... Dare 1
Race to put your... Dare 1
Reach under the table... Dare 1
Recount the most... Dare 1
Reenact the last time... Dare 1
Remove an article of... Dare 1
Romantically serenade the... Dare 1
Row a boat around... Dare 1
Scream your favorite... Dare 1
Search for valuables... Dare 1
Seize the Judge's socks... Dare 1
Send a made-up... Dare 1
Send a selfie to... Dare 1
SHAMONE! Do the... Dare 1
Share your biggest... Dare 1
Showcase a hot new... Dare 1
Show your dominance... Dare 1
Sing a nursery rhyme... Dare 1
Sing as much as... Dare 1
Sit in an invisible chair... Dare 1
Slap the Judge on... Dare 1
Slow dance with... Dare 1
Smell the Judge's shirt... Dare 1
So long Edna!... Dare 1
Start a Facebook Live... Dare 1
Stomp around the... Dare 1
Take a picture holding... Dare 1
Take a selfie with... Dare 1
Take and post a selfie... Dare 1
Take and post an... Dare 1
Tap dance to a song... Dare 1
Tell everyone the most... Dare 1
Tell the group about... Dare 1
Tell the traditional... Dare 1
Text a family member... Dare 1
Text "Actually, I have... Dare 1
Text "I see you... Dare 1
Text one of your... Dare 1
Text someone who is... Dare 1
The god of blockage... Dare 1
The Judge is a police... Dare 1
The Judge is a small... Dare 1
The Judge is the... Dare 1
The Judge stops you... Dare 1
Think fast, you... Dare 1
This may sting... Dare 1
Too sexy for your... Dare 1
Try to bring the... Dare 1
Try to start the Wave... Dare 1
Unleash the most... Dare 1
Unleash your most... Dare 1
Use an object of... Dare 1
Yodel for 10 seconds... Dare 1
You are a cat!... Dare 1
You are a cat that... Dare 1
You are a good... Dare 1
You are a hot dog... Dare 1
You are a flamingo... Dare 1
You are a playful... Dare 1
You are a sports... Dare 1
You are a pterodactyl... Dare 1
You are an ambulance... Dare 1
You are an evil... Dare 1
You are an excited... Dare 1
You are stranded... Dare 1
You are super elderly... Dare 1
You are the Judge's... Dare 1
You are the Mount St... Dare 1
You are being interviewed... Dare 1
You filthy animal!... Dare 1
You're beautiful on the... Dare 1
Your left arm and... Dare 1
as a compulsive hoarder... Modifier 1
as a parasite tries to... Modifier 1
as gravity suddenly... Modifier 1
as you catch wind... Modifier 1
as you hold back... Modifier 1
for as long as... Modifier 1
then boop the... Modifier 1
then congratulate yourself... Modifier 1
twice. Modifier 1
while avoiding an... Modifier 1
while biting your... Modifier 1
while blindfolded. The... Modifier 1
while chewing your cud... Modifier 1
while communicating only... Modifier 1
while describing everything... Modifier 1
while drooling heavily. Modifier 1
while flexing like a... Modifier 1
while giving birth. Modifier 1
while giving each... Modifier 1
while having the best... Modifier 1
while holding a phallic... Modifier 1
while holding an object... Modifier 1
while holding the longest... Modifier 1
while holding your... Modifier 1
while keeping a straight... Modifier 1
while moving in slow... Modifier 1
while overemphasizing everything... Modifier 1
while playing air... Modifier 1
while seducing the Judge... Modifier 1
while showing how annoyed... Modifier 1
while speaking like... Modifier 1
while swatting an... Modifier 1
WHILE TALKING IN... Modifier 1
while the floor is... Modifier 1
while the Judge screams... Modifier 1
while tweaking your... Modifier 1
while twerking. Modifier 1
while wearing an object... Modifier 1
while wiggling your hips... Modifier 1
without breaking eye... Modifier 1
Anytime you speak... Penalty 1
Immediately stop talking... Penalty 1
It's Opposite Day!... Penalty 1
Everything you say... Penalty 1
Play without using... Penalty 1
Reverse the numbers... Penalty 1
Say everything as... Penalty 1
Seductively milk a cow... Penalty 1
Shh this is a library!... Penalty 1
The cards now smell... Penalty 1
The person to your... Penalty 1
You are a horse... Penalty 1
You are a massage... Penalty 1
You are an alien... Penalty 1
You are an angry... Penalty 1
You are tripping... Penalty 1
You have a raging... Penalty 1
You keep mistaking... Penalty 1
Your phone is a... Penalty 1
You suspect someone... Penalty 1
Play without using... Penalty 1
Play without using... Penalty 1