UU - Straight But Curious Unicorn

From Unstable Games Wiki
Revision as of 23:16, 25 July 2019 by WyvernWrath (talk | contribs)

Main Information

Second Print/NSFW Print: When this card enters your Stable, you may look at the next 3 cards in the deck, then return them in the same order.

Original Text: When this card enters your Stable, you may look at the next three cards in the deck, then return them in the same order.

Text Translations

Hungarian Text
Amikor ez a kártya megérkezik az Istállódba, megnézheted a következő 3 kártyát a pakliban, majd tedd őket vissza ugyanebben a sorrendben.
German Text
Wenn diese Karte in Deinen Stall kommt, darfst Du Dir die nächsten 3 Karten im Zugstapel ansehen.
Russian Text
Когда эта карта попадает в ваше Стойло, вы можете посмотреть три верхние карты колоды. Затем верните эти карты обратно в том же порядке.
Spanish text
Cuando esta carta entra a tu Establo, puedes mirar las primeras 3 cartas del mazo y regresarlas en el mismo orden.

Specific Card Rules and Information

No issues have arisen with the game play of this card following the current rules. (01/01/2019)
