UU - Double Dutch

From Unstable Games Wiki
Revision as of 00:25, 27 July 2019 by WyvernWrath (talk | contribs) (Specific Card Rules and Information)

Main Information

Second Print: If this card is in your Stable at the beginning of your turn, you may play 2 cards during your Action phase.

Original Text: If this card is in your Stable at the beginning of your turn, you may play two cards during your turn instead of one.

Text Translations

Hungarian Text
Ha ez a kártya az Istállódban van a köröd kezdetén, egy kártya helyett kettőt játszhatsz ki.
German Text
Ist diese Karte zu Beginn Deines Zugs in Deinem Stall, darfst Du 2 Karten spielen statt einer.
Russian Text
Если эта карта находится в вашем Стойле в начале хода, вы можете играть две карты вместо одной.
Spanish text
Si esta carta está en tu Establo al principio de tu turno, puedes jugar dos cartas durante tu Fase de Acción.

Specific Card Rules and Information

The card effect gives you the choice to "Play 2 Cards" during the Action Phase, You can either play 1 or 2 cards; OR draw one card as the action. There is no other combination choices.
