UU - Diamond Unicorn Card

From Unstable Games Wiki

Diamond Unicorn Cards

UU-Base-094-Diam.png UU-Base-095-Diam.png UU-Base-096-Diam.png UU-Base-097-Diam.png

Diamond Unicorn cards have an effect determined during the Diamond Phase by the roll of the Diamond Dice.

Depending what you roll, you take an action:

1. Move a Diamond Unicorn card from the Vault into your Stable.

2. Move a Diamond Unicorn card from another player's Stable into your Stable. (If no other player has a Diamond Unicorn card in their Stable, move a Diamond Unicorn card from the Vault into your Stable instead.)

3. Return a Diamond Unicorn card from another player's Stable to the Vault. (If no other player has a Diamond Unicorn card in their Stable, do nothing.)

4. Return a Diamond Unicorn card from your Stable to the Vault. (If you don't have a Diamond Unicorn card in your Stable, do nothing.)

The Diamond Dice "action" effect does not have priority over other gameplay effects. Diamond Unicorn cards can have immunity from the Diamond dice effect.

Diamond Unicorn cards cannot be the target for the following;

  • Sacrifice.
  • Destroy.
  • Return (to a player's hand.
  • Any effect when it is in the Vault.

If a non-targeting effect would resolve it would not affect a Diamond Unicorn card (Impossible action triggers resulting in that effect being disregarded).

Diamond Unicorn cards in a stable are a valid target;

  • Steal.
  • Move.

Diamond Unicorn cards in a stable are considered a "unicorn" and count towards the win condition.

Diamond Unicorn cards in a stable are treated as any other unicorn card and are affected by any continuous mandatory effects;

  • Masquerade - Unicorn cards cannot be affected in any way. Do not count as a "unicorn" for win condition.
  • Blinding Effect - Unicorn cards have no effect text when entering or while in stable.
  • Barbed Wire - Trigger as any other unicorn card would.
  • Tiny Stable - Trigger as any other unicorn card would, but could not be chosen to sacrifice (immunity).