Daring Contest Modifier - Inventory List

From Unstable Games Wiki


Card Name Card Type # of Copies
Do your best... Dare 1
Drool all over... Dare 1
Guess the Judge's... Dare 1
Hold your breath... Dare 1
Juggle three items... Dare 1
Make loud, annoying... Dare 1
Nice glasses, Four... Dare 1
Perform a Jackie... Dare 1
Pick a fight... Dare 1
Raise ONE eyebrow Dare 1
Say the words... Dare 1
Take a drink... Dare 1
Tell everyone your... Dare 1
Wolf whistle at... Dare 1
You inherited a... Dare 1
as a 1980s... Modifier 1
as a football... Modifier 1
as a newly crowned... Modifier 1
as a tornado... Modifier 1
as a stereotypical... Modifier 1
as American as... Modifier 1
as an obnoxious... Modifier 1
as the world's... Modifier 1
as your puppet... Modifier 1
like a guilty... Modifier 1
like a puppy... Modifier 1
like a mom... Modifier 1
like a naked... Modifier 1
like a wedding... Modifier 1
like an enthusiastic... Modifier 1
like an indoor... Modifier 1
like the Easter... Modifier 1
like you've been... Modifier 1
while all other... Modifier 1
while coughing and... Modifier 1
while doing your... Modifier 1
while gesticulating wildly. Modifier 1
while hearing voices... Modifier 1
while intermittently nodding... Modifier 1
while passive-aggressively... Modifier 1
while rocking an... Modifier 1
while rocking out... Modifier 1
while sobbing uncontrollably Modifier 1
while your eyes... Modifier 1
while your leg... Modifier 1
with ATTITUDE Modifier 1
with finger-guns!... Modifier 1
with JAZZ HANDS! Modifier 1
with one hand... Modifier 1
with your shoes... Modifier 1