Fishy Squishy Crusty Quirky - Rules

From Unstable Games Wiki


In this 2-6 player game, you’ll catch Sea Creatures to fulfill Orders and collect Sand Dollars. But that’s easier said than done, especially with scallywag opponents trying to snatch your Sea Creatures from your grasp! With a little luck (and some help from friendly Fisherfolk), you can be the first to collect enough Sand Dollars to become the Reel Champion!


FSCQ-100.png FSCQ-107.png FSCQ-106.png FSCQ-105.png FSCQ-Tokens.png
76 Sea
16 Standard
Order Cards
4 Catch-Of-The-Day
Order Cards
10 Fisherfolk
12 Double-Sided
Sand Dollar



Before we dive in, we need to start with some ground rules. In most card games, cards you add to your hand face towards you by default. Fishy, Squishy, Crusty, Quirky throws this common convention overboard, as your hand will often contain cards facing you and cards facing away from you at the same time.

If you see the front face of a card in your hand, on the table, or in the hand of another player, that card is considered "facing you".

If you see the back of a card in your hand, on the table, or in the hand of another player, that card is considered "facing away from you".

Cards in your hand that are considered "facing away from you" are considered "facing you" to all other players.

This may seem a little fishy at first, but you’ll catch on in no time as long as you follow the Captain’s Code:

  1. When you add a card to your hand, always add it in its current orientation (unless specified by a card effect). That means if it is facing away from you, add it to your hand facing away from you. If it is already facing you, add it to your hand facing you.
  2. Never flip a card (meaning change its orientation) unless a card effect or turn phase explicitly authorizes you to do so.
  3. If a card is facing away from you, never look at its front face unlessa card effect or turn phase explicitly authorizes you to do so.
  4. Make sure your hand is always in clear view of all other players. It is important that they can see the back side of your hand at all times.
  5. You may rearrange the cards in your hand as you please, but you may not obscure the number of cards in your hand by hiding one card closely behind another.
  6. Never give another player information about the cards in their hand that are facing you.



Remove the Fisherfolk cards from the box and shuffle them. Place them face down in a stack within reach of all players to form the Fisherfolk deck, then flip the top 3 cards face up in a row to form the Pier. Save enough space nearby for the Gone Fishing pile to form, into which you’ll move Fisherfolk cards at the end of your turn.

Remove the Sea Creature cards from the box and shuffle them together. Arrange the shuffled cards into 4 separate stacks with 19 cards in each stack. Take the top 6 cards in each of the 4 stacks, flip them over, then shuffle them face up back into the stack. This will result in each stack having 6 face up and 13 face down Sea Creature cards. Place each of these stacks in the center of the table within reach of all players. Note: It is perfectly fine if some of the stacks have a face up card on top while the others have a face down card on top after you’re done shuffling.
Leave room for the Scrap pile to form nearby, into which you’ll move Sea Creature cards you use to fulfill Orders during your turn.

Remove the Order cards from the box and separate the Standard Order cards from the Catch-of-the-Day Order cards. Shuffle the Standard Order cards and place them in a face down stack within reach of all players to form the Standard Order deck. Flip the top 3 cards face up and place them near the Standard Order deck. Next, take the Catch-of-the-Day Order cards, shuffle them, and place them in a stack face up next to the Standard Order deck. The top card on the Catch-of-theDay stack is the available Catch-of-the-Day Order card. The area containing the Standard Order cards and Catch-of-the-Day Order cards is known as the Market. Remove the 'Sand Dollar tokens from the box and place them in a pile near the Market within reach of all players. When you’re done setting up, the table should look something like this:
The player who most recently saw a fish in real life takes the first turn! Play continues in clockwise fashion.
Note: You will start the game with no cards in your hand


Your turn consists of 4 phases. All of the phases are optional, but if you skip a phase, you cannot return to it later in your turn.

FSCQ-HTP1.png HIRE: Choose one of the Fisherfolk cards from the Pier and place it in front of you. Immediately replace it in the Pier by flipping the top card of the Fisherfolk deck face up into the empty space.

FSCQ-HTP2.png FLIP: Choose 1 card in your hand that’s facing away from you and flip it so it is now facing you.

FSCQ-HTP3.png FISH: Take one of the following actions:

  • Add up to 2 face down Sea Creature cards from any of the Open Sea stacks to your hand facing away from you.
  • Add 1 face up Sea Creature card from any Open Sea stack to your hand facing you.
  • Take 1 Sea Creature card facing you from another player’s hand and add it to your hand facing you. That player may then add 1 face down Sea Creature card from any Open Sea stack to their hand facing away from them (as long as there is at least one face down card on top of one of the Open Sea stacks; otherwise, that player cannot add a card to their hand).

FSCQ-HTP4.png FULFILL: Fulfill Orders to collect Sand Dollars

Before ending your turn, move the Fisherfolk card in front of you to the Gone Fishing pile


During the Fulfill phase of your turn, you may use Sea Creatures to fulfill available Orders in the Market. To do so, reveal Sea Creature cards from your hand (facing you) that meet the Order card’s requirements, then move those Sea Creature cards from your hand to the Scrap pile and collect the number of Sand Dollar tokens shown on the fulfilled Order card. Note: You may use Sea Creature cards of any type or point value that are not listed on an Order card as long as the required types are also included and the required point value is met or exceeded. This comes in handy if you have the required Sea Creature card types but are coming up short on their point values.
Example 1:
Example 2:


Each Sea Creature card has a point value (5, 10, or 15) and a type (FISHY, SQUISHY, CRUSTY, or QUIRKY) recognizable by the icon and color on the card. These cards represent Sea Creatures that you will use to fulfill Orders and collect Sand Dollars.
Most Sea Creature card backs show open water, giving no indication of the type of Sea Creature card on the other side when they are face down; however, a handful of Sea Creature card backs display the icon of the card’s type. These are known as “shadowed” Sea Creature cards.
The Sea Creature stacks also contain Flavor cards which have no point value. These cards will not add to the value of the Order card you wish to fulfill, but they do allow you to change any number of Sea Creature cards in your hand to match the type displayed on the Flavor card.
Finally, within the Sea Creature stacks, you may find rare Sea Monster cards that feature all four type icons. When you use a Sea Monster card to fulfill an Order card, choose one type (FISHY, SQUISHY, CRUSTY, or QUIRKY); that Sea Monster card is considered that type.

Order cards have a list of requirements and a Sand Dollar value (1, 2, or 3). These cards represent available Orders in the Market that can be fulfilled throughout the game. Order cards come in two types:
Standard Order cards: When you fulfill a Standard Order, move the corresponding Standard Order card to the bottom of the Standard Order deck, then immediately flip the next card in the Standard Order deck face up. You may fulfill multiple Standard Orders on your turn.
Catch-of-the-Day Order cards: When you fulfill a Catch-of-the-Day Order, move the corresponding Catch-of-the-Day Order card to the bottom of the Catchof-the-Day stack, making the next face up card the available Catch-of-the-Day card. You may only fulfill one Catch-of-the-Day Order on your turn.

Fisherfolk cards represent Fisherfolk at the Pier that you may select during the Hire phase of your turn. You may use your selected Fisherfolk card’s effect during your turn as directed on the card. When the Fisherfolk stack runs out of cards, shuffle all the cards in the Gone Fishing pile to form a new Fisherfolk stack.
Note: Whether or not you used the effect listed on the Fisherfolk card you selected during your turn, you must move it to the Gone Fishing pile at the end of your turn.


For games with 2-4 players, the first player to collect 7 (or more) Sand Dollars wins the game! For 5-6 player games, collect 5 (or more) Sand Dollars first to become the Reel Champion… until the next bout of Fishy, Squishy, Crusty, Quirky!