C and C KS Updates

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Revision as of 05:17, 29 April 2019 by Shicala (talk | contribs)



  Hello everyone! :D
  So (most) people have received their packages at this point without any issues, which is great news!
  I wanted to jump in to talk about three specific things:
  1. CANADIAN BACKERS: As many of you know, we f***ed up values on the packages, and we are working to fix it for everyone now. Some people have already emailed in, and we are responding to those messages, but we also pulled a report of every single backer, how much was declared on their package, and how much should have been declared. We calculated the difference, and since this was obviously our bad we are going through every single one of them and refunding the difference. On the highest end, someone was overcharged by $45.70, and on the low end, some people were overcharged by as little as $0.05. Regardless of the amount, though, we are going to refund every single one of them- you don't have to email customer service to get this refund (if one is coming to you)- we are just doing it proactively. If you do want to check on the status or get more information from our customer service team, though, you can absolutely feel free to reach out at support@teeturtle.com - the team has now been trained on what is happening with Canadian customs, so any confusion that was there should be cleared up. I just wanted to say a big sorry to everyone affected by this!!
  2. There was word about a missing pallet at our warehouse, and that was a misunderstanding. That said, there have been some packages reported lost or items reported missing from packages- we are working to get replacement packages and items sent out as quickly as possible, and we are on track to have all of the ones that have been reported to us so far shipped out by Monday. If you haven't emailed in and you are missing items (or think your package might be post), email our team at support@teeturtle.com
  3. Tracking numbers! We have been encountering all kinds of errors with getting tracking numbers to cooperate with BackerKit, but that doesn't mean packages haven't been sent out :) At this point, we are mainly having issues with the tracking numbers being sent out for EU April backers (some of which have already started receiving packages). I just wanted to mention this one again because I know it causes confusion. If you receive a tracking number three weeks after receiving your package....well...we tried?
  For everyone who has received the games and add-ons, I HOPE YOU LIKE EVERYTHING! This project was by far the most ambitious thing the team has ever done. In addition to designing all of the characters while the project was going, we also learned to design and produce a lot of items we've never done before. Your support has allowed us to grow as a team and accomplish amazing things that we never thought was possible, and I can't wait to show you what we're working on next!!!
  (Very soon)


Unfortunately TeeTurtle has done all they can to minimize these issues. However, they have to legally represent the actual value paid for the orders when they go through customs in another country. Only EU friendly shipping was offered as part of this campaign, which means that there is a possibility for customs to be charged to backers in other countries. HOWEVER, if you did get hit with customs fees and feel that they were incorrect based on the value of your package, please contact tee turtle's support none the less, as they can look into it to make sure nothing was listed incorrectly on TeeTurtle's end.

ADDITIONAL NOTE ON THIS: "Also important to note is some people in the same country pay nothing in customs (or very little). We can't anticipate what it will be ahead of time except for in the EU where everyone is taxed 20% VAT for importing, so that's why we can't tell anyone what it'll be ahead of time."


Please send any information to support@teeturtle.com so customer service can try to help out.

@People asking about sleeves and the neigh buttons

Those are not kickstarter exclusive and will eventually be selling from tee turtle's website some time after they are done fulfilling this kickstarter.


It turns out some packages went missing (possibly an entire pallet) at some point after shipping. If you are one of the people with no tracking status updates since the 21st please check with support@teeturtle.com to make sure your package was not one of those lost.


Teeturtle is already attempting to work with you on this, and you should have information from them somewhere if this is the case, please keep an eye out. As for answers as to what they are doing about this, a staff member said…

"We wanted to make sure that everything went out the door on time, which meant that there wasn't time to reach out ahead of time about the missing items. It's not a situation where if they hadn't checked nothing would have been said. Notes were taken on who was missing what and the communication was sent out about it after the packages shipped. We've been talking about what to do about this, and for anyone who wants to wait for the pins to be restocked, we'll be happy to ship them the original design that they ordered at no cost as soon as we have those pins back in stock."