Daring Contest Penalty Box - Inventory List

From Unstable Games Wiki

Each card is referred to by the first three or four words of the Dare/Modifier/Penalty.

Card Name Card Type # of Copies
Allow the Judge... Dare 1
Brace yourself! Ask... Dare 1
Confess one thing... Dare 1
Do a one-armed... Dare 1
Do the Macarena... Dare 1
Explain to everyone... Dare 1
Flash the other... Dare 1
Give each of... Dare 1
Jam your entire... Dare 1
Make a 30-second... Dare 1
Record a video... Dare 1
Search Facebook for... Dare 1
Share your best... Dare 1
Sit on your... Dare 1
Take off your... Dare 1
Tell everyone about... Dare 1
Thanks, but no... Dare 1
Yes please! Point... Dare 1
You are the... Dare 1
Every time someone... Penalty 1
Interrupt anyone who... Penalty 1
The people sitting... Penalty 1
This game is serious... Penalty 1
You are a conspiracy... Penalty 1
You are a drunken... Penalty 1
You are a frightened... Penalty 1
You are a pissy... Penalty 1
You are a really excited... Penalty 1
You are a really mean... Penalty 1
You are a sleazy... Penalty 1
You are a thumb... Penalty 1
You are a toothless... Penalty 1
You are about... Penalty 1
You are deeply... Penalty 1
You are freezing... Penalty 1
You are in a musical... Penalty 1
You are in the... Penalty 1
You are not... Penalty 1
You are searching... Penalty 1
You are sinking... Penalty 1
You can only speak... Penalty 1
You can only use... Penalty 1
You can't control... Penalty 1
You can't stop... Penalty 1
You have been... Penalty 1
You have diminished... Penalty 1
You have chickenpox... Penalty 1
You just got... Penalty 1
Your left hand... Penalty 1