Here To Slay - Mimi
Main Information
KSE Card:
Choose a Hero card in any player's Party. Mimi's effect is that Hero card's effect (including roll cost) until the end of your turn. You may roll to use that effect immediately.
KS Print n Play Edition:
Choose a Hero card in any player's Party. Mimi's effect is that Hero card's effect (including roll cost) until the end of your turn. You may roll to use that effect immediately.
- August 2020 KSE Card Quantity of card: 1
- February 2020 KS Print n Play Edition Quantity of card: 1
Specific Card Rules and Information
If the 4+ activation roll is successful the card effect is triggered. When any other hero card effect is chosen, the player now rolls to activate that effect.
Mimi cannot be chosen as the target of it's own effect.
Mimi is the card being activated not the chosen target. A hero card that has already been used this turn can be chosen. Item cards on the chosen target do not have any affect on the activation.