UU - Dread Pirate Unicorn and Parallel Universicorn

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Revision as of 12:10, 13 January 2021 by WyvernWrath (talk | contribs) (Dread Pirate Unicorn and Parallel Universicorn)


Dread Pirate Unicorn has a mandatory, triggered effect, this effect MUST occur when a discard effect is added to the effect chain.

Parallel Universicorn has an optional, triggered effect, this effect MAY occur when a discard effect is added to the effect chain.

DISCARD EFFECT; "Each discard is a (discard) effect that is performed as a single event up to the required number (This could be All cards in your Hand). ORDER OF RESOLUTION: THE EFFECT CHAIN; "You must select targets for mandatory effects before selecting targets for optional effects."


THE EFFECT CHAIN; "Discard a card"

THE EFFECT CHAIN; "Discard a card","Discard a card"

THE EFFECT CHAIN; "Draw a card","Draw a card"

THE EFFECT CHAIN - When a player is at Hand Limit.

THE EFFECT CHAIN; "Discard a card"

THE EFFECT CHAIN; "Discard a card","Discard a card"

THE EFFECT CHAIN; "Discard a card","Draw a card"