UU - Wizard Unicorn

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Revision as of 08:48, 5 September 2022 by Shicala (talk | contribs)
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Card Texts

Card Releases

Specific Card Rules and Information

  • This card has no requirement effect text that prevents playing the card.
  • An immediately played card has no effects preventing it from being Neigh'd. The card can be Neigh'd.
  • An updated text version changes how this card is played or changes the effect caused during gameplay from previous discontinued text versions.
    • 2nd EditionThe card chosen must have any requirements met to be played. If you cannot play the card, it will remain in your hand.
    • Second PrintThe card chosen must have any requirements met to be chosen. If you cannot play the card, you cannot choose the card.

Authenticity Notes

Localizations of this Card

UU-Lgnd-017-SP.png Spanish 2nd Edition
Unicornio Hechicero
Carta da Unicornio Mágico
Cuando esta carta entra en tu Establo puedes DESCARTAR una carta. Si lo haces, busca en el mazo de robo una carta de Magia y ponla en tu mano para jugarla de inmediato; después, baraja el mazo de robo.

Evolution of this Card

UU-Lgnd-017.png UU-Lgnd-017-2E.png