UU - Dragon Kiss

From Unstable Games Wiki
Deck: Dragons Expansion
Edition: 2nd Edition
Type: Magic Card
Status: Available

Card Texts

Card Releases

Specific Card Rules and Information

  • This card has no requirement effect text that prevents playing the card.
  • An effect may state a specific card or card type to search or look for; if you cannot find a card when searching the deck or player hand you simply "fail" in that search.
    • An impossible action is triggered and you disregard the effects that are unable to be performed when a card is not found.
    • You cannot choose to not find a card if one meets the criteria of the search.
  • The "immediately" played card has no effects preventing it from being Neigh'd. The card can be Neigh'd
  • Dragon Kiss and the card that is played from the successful resolution of Dragon Kiss are individual events. The played card is not an indirect effect of Dragon Kiss.

Authenticity Notes

Localizations of this Card

UU-Drag-010-SP.png Spanish 2nd Edition
Beso De Dragón
Carta da Magia
Busca una carta de Magia en el mazo de robo y ponla en tu mano para jugarla de inmediato; luego, baraja el mazo de robo.

Evolution of this Card
