UU - Elficorn Scout

From Unstable Games Wiki

Card Texts

  • 2nd Edition: When this card enters your Stable, look at the top 3 cards of the deck and return them in any order.
  • Second Print: When this card enters your Stable, you may look at the top 3 cards of the deck and return them in any order.

Card Releases

Specific Card Rules and Information

Authenticity Notes

Localizations of this Card

UU-Lgnd-014-SP.png Spanish 2nd Edition
Elficornio Explorador
Carta da Unicornio Mágico
Cuando esta carta entra en tu Establo, mira las 3 cartas superiores del mazo de robo y devuélvelas en el orden que quieras.

Evolution of this Card

UU-Lgnd-014.png UU-Lgnd-014-2E.png