UU - Sex, Drugs, and Unicorns

From Unstable Games Wiki
Deck: NSFW Base Deck
Edition: 2nd Edition
Type: Magic Card
Status: Available

Card Texts

Card Releases

Specific Card Rules and Information

  • There are always players in any game, therefore there is no requirement preventing playing this card.
    • Choose a player or Choose any player refers to any single player, including you.
    • Choose any other player or Choose another player refers to any single player, excluding you.
    • Each player refers to all players, including you.
  • If the targeted player cannot discard 3 cards with or without replacement effects there only valid option is to sacrifice a unicorn card.

Authenticity Notes

Localizations of this Card

UU-NSFW-078-2P-Polish.png Polish 2nd Print
Seks, Dragi I Jednorożce
Karta Magii
Wybierz dowolnego gracza. Gracz musi ODRZUCIĆ 3 karty albo POŚWIĘCIĆ kartę jednorożca.

Evolution of this Card
