UU - Nanny Cam

From Unstable Games Wiki
Revision as of 18:14, 17 November 2019 by Shicala (talk | contribs) (Main Information (English Text))

Main Information

Second Edition: Your hand must be visible to all players.

Second Print: Your hand must be visible to all player at all times.

Original Text: As long as this card if in your Stable, you must play with your hand visible to all players.

Text Translations

Hungarian Text
Amíg ez a kártya az Istállódban van, úgy kell játszanod, hogy a többi Játékos lássa a kezedben lévő lapjaidat.
German Text
Ist diese Karte in Deinem Stall, musst Du Deine Kartenhand für alle Spieler einsehbar halten.
Russian Text
Пока эта карта находится в вашем Стойле, вы должны играть в открытую.
Spanish text
Tu mano debe ser visible para todos los jugadores en todo momento.

Specific Card Rules and Information

No issues have arisen with the game play of this card following the current rules. (01/01/2019)
