
From Unstable Games Wiki

Blinding Effect and Masquerade Effect

  • When a unicorn card enters a stable
    • Blinding Effect which has priority negates the unicorn card effect text and is considered a "basic unicorn" (instead of unicorn).
    • Masquerade Effect then gives immunity to the now "basic unicorn" it is now considered a "Panda", "cat", "otter", "shit", or reindeer" with its card effect. (It is now protected from the Blinding Effect).
    • The unicorn card has already entered the stable with negated card effect text so it will not trigger any enter effect. (The card did not enter with any effect text.)
    • The unicorn card leaving a stable will trigger any leave effect as the card is protected by from the Blinding Effect. (The card left the stable with its effect text.)