UU - Reset Button

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Revision as of 13:45, 9 February 2022 by WyvernWrath (talk | contribs) (Specific Card Rules and Information)
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Deck: Base Deck
Edition: 2nd Edition
Type: Magic Card
Status: Available

Card Texts

Card Releases

Specific Card Rules and Information

  • This card has requirement effect text that may prevent playing the card.
    • A Legimate target upgrade and downgrade card must be in your stable or the card cannot be played.

Authenticity Notes

Localizations of this Card

UU-Base-065-2EItal.png Italian 2nd Edition
Tasto Reset
Carta Magia
Ogni giocatore (incluso te stesso) deve SACRIFICARE tutte le carte Vantaggio e Svantaggio nella propria Stalla. Mescola la pila degli scarti nel mazzo.
UU-Base-065-2P-Polish.png Polish 2nd Print
Wielki Czerwony Guzik
Karta Magii
Wszyscy gracze muszą POŚWIĘCIĆ wszystkie swoje karty ulepszeń i kar. Następnie wtasuj stos kart odrzuconych do talii.
UU-Base-065-Hungarian.png Hungarian 2nd Edition
As Újrakezdés Nagy Piros Gombja
Minden játékos - veled együtt - kötelezően ÁLDOZZA FEL az összes Karámjában lévő Tápolás vagy Hányattatás kártyáját. Ezután keverd a dobópaklit vissza a húzópakliba.
UU-Base-065-RO.png Romanian 2nd Edition
Butonul De Resetare
Carte Magie
Fiecare jucător (inclusiv tu) trebuie să SACRIFICE toate cărțile Amplificare și Limitare pe care le are în grajd. Amestecă teancul de decartare în teancul de joc.
UU-Base-065-FR.png French 2nd Edition
Remise À Zéro
Carte Magie
Chaque joueur (y compris vous) doit SACRIFIER toutes les cartes Amélioration et Attaque de son Écurie. Mélangez ensuite la défausse dans le paquet.
UU-Base-065-Dut.png Dutch 2nd Edition
Magisch Effect
Elke speler (inclusief jijzelf) moet alle Positief Effect kaarten en Negatief Effect kaarten in zijn Stal OPOFFEREN. Schud de aflegstapel samen met de trekstapel.
UU-Base-065-SP.png Spanish 2nd Edition
Botón De Reinicio
Carta da Magia
Todos los jugadores (también tú) deben SACRIFICAR todas las cartas de Ventaja y de Desventaja que tengan en su Establo. Pon en el mazo de robo las cartas de la pila de descartes y baraja el mazo de robo.
UU-Base-065-CZ.png Czech 2nd Edition
Tlačítko Reset
Každý hráč (včetně tebe) musí OBĚTOVAT všechny karty vylepšení a zhoršení ve své Stáji. Zamíchej odhazovací hromádku do balíčku.
UU-Base-065-DE.png German 2nd Edition
Jeder Spieler (auch du) muss alle Abwertungs- und Aufwertungskarten in seinem Stall OPFERN. Mische den Ablagestapel in den Nachziehstapel.

Evolution of this Card
