UU - Unfair Bargain

From Unstable Games Wiki
Deck: Base Deck
Edition: 2nd Edition
Type: Magic Card
Status: Available

Card Texts

Card Releases

Specific Card Rules and Information

  • This card has no requirement effect text that prevents playing the card.
  • Even if you are holding zero(0) cards in your Hand you still have the concept of a hand of cards, it is just empty of cards at that moment of gameplay. This Hand can still be traded to another player from an effect.

Authenticity Notes

Localizations of this Card

UU-Base-057-2EItal.png Italian 2nd Edition
Patta Sleale
Carta Magia
Scambia la tua mano con guella di un altro giocatore qualsiasi.
UU-Base-057-2P-Polish.png Polish 2nd Print
Małam Druczkiem
Karta Magii
Zamień się kartami z ręki z dowolnym innym graczem.
UU-Base-057-Hungarian.png Hungarian 2nd Edition
Becstelen Paktum
Cseréld el a kezedben lévő lapokat egy másik játékoséival.
UU-Base-057-RO.png Romanian 2nd Edition
Pact Cu Satanicornul
Carte Magie
Fă schimb de cărți cu un alt jucător.
UU-Base-057-FR.png French 2nd Edition
Accord Désavantageux
Carte Magie
Échangez votre main contre celle d'un autre joueur.
UU-Base-057-Dut.png Dutch 2nd Edition
Oneerlijke Ruil
Magisch Effect
Ruil jouw handkaarten met een willekeurige andere speler.
UU-Base-057-SP.png Spanish 2nd Edition
Trato Injusto
Carta da Magia
Intercambia todas las cartas de tu mano con las de otro jugador.
UU-Base-057-CZ.png Czech 2nd Edition
Neférová Dohoda
Vyměň si karty v ruce s jiným hráčem.
UU-Base-057-DE.png German 2nd Edition
Unfairer Handel
Tausche deine Handkarten mit einem beliebigen anderen Spieler.

Evolution of this Card
