UU - Blinding Light

From Unstable Games Wiki
Revision as of 18:43, 7 March 2021 by Shicala (talk | contribs) (Localizations of this Card)

Card Texts

Card Releases

Specific Card Rules and Information

This card has no requirement preventing the playing of this card.
The card must be placed into a stable during the resolution of the card.

Localizations of this Card

UU-Base-080-2EItal.png Italian 2nd Edition
Luce Accecante
Carta Svantaggio
Tutte le tue carte Unicorno sono considerate Unicorni Semplici senza effetti.
UU-Base-080-2P-Polish.png Polish 2nd Print
Oślepiające Światło
Karta Kary
Nie możesz aktywować efetów wymagających aktywowania ze swoich kart jednorożców.
UU-Base-080-Hungarian.png Hungarian 2nd Edition
Vakító Fény
Minden Unikornis kártyád képesség nélküli Mezei Unikornisnak minősül.
UU-Base-080-RO.png Romanian 2nd Edition
Lumină Orbitoare
Carte Limitare
Toate cărțile tale Unicorn sunt considerate cărți Unicorn obișnuit, fără efecte speciale.

Evolution of this Card
