UU - Unicorn of Famine

From Unstable Games Wiki

Card Texts

  • 2nd Edition: Each player's hand limit (including yours) is reduced by 5 cards.
  • Second Print: Each player has a hand limit of 2 cards.
  • Original Text: As long as this card is in your Stable, all players have a hand limit of two cards.

Card Releases

Specific Card Rules and Information

  • This card has no requirement effect text that prevents playing the card.
  • This card has a Hand Limit effect. A player cannot end their turn holding more cards than the current limit. If the limit would be below zero (0) it is zero (0) limit.
  • An updated text version changes how this card is played or changes the effect caused during gameplay from previous discontinued text versions.

Authenticity Notes

Localizations of this Card

UU-Apoc-011-SP.png Spanish 2nd Edition
Carta da Unicornio Mágico
El límite de cartas de la mano de cada jugador (también el tuyo) se reduce en 5 cartas.

Vinyl of this Card & Card Photo


Evolution of this Card
