UU - Double Dutch

From Unstable Games Wiki
Deck: Base Deck
Edition: 2nd Edition
Type: Upgrade Card
Status: Available

Card Texts

Card Releases

Specific Card Rules and Information

  • This card has no requirement effect text that prevents playing the card.
  • The card effect gives you the choice to "Play 2 Cards" during the Action Phase, You can either play 1 or 2 cards; OR draw one card as the action. There is no other combination choice.
  • The cards effect is continuous, it is not a triggered effect (decision) during the beginning of turn phase. The option to play 2 cards that turn can be decided in the action phase.
  • If the action phase of the turn is skipped the card provides no benefit. There is no action phase to play anything.
  • Double Dutch has no card text effect that gives immunity to the cards being played from being neigh'd. If a card is played it is a valid target to be neigh'd (unless otherwise stated).

Authenticity Notes

Localizations of this Card

UU-Base-072-2EItal.png Italian 2nd Edition
Salto Doppio Con La Corda
Carta Vantaggio
Se questa carta è nella tua Stalla all'inizio del tuo turno, puoi giocare 2 carte durante la tua Fase di Azione.
UU-Base-072-2P-Polish.png Polish 2nd Print
Dwa Sznury
Karta Ulepszenia
Jeśli ta karta znajduje się w Twojej stajni na początku Twojej tury, możesz zagrać 2 karty w fazie akcji.
UU-Base-072-Hungarian.png Hungarian 2nd Edition
Dupla Kötél
Ha a köröd elején ez a kártya a Karámodban van, 2 kártyát is kijátszhatsz az Akciófázis folyamán.
UU-Base-072-RO.png Romanian 2nd Edition
Săritură La Coardă Dublă
Carte Amplicifare
Dacă această carte se află în grajdul tău la începutul turei tale, încă 2 cărți în această tură (în faza de acțiune).
UU-Base-072-FR.png French 2nd Edition
Saut À Deux Cordes
Carte Amélioration
Si cette carte se trouve dans votre Écurie au début de votre tour, vous pouvez jouer 2 cartes pendant votre Phase d'Action.
UU-Base-072-Dut.png Dutch 2nd Edition
Positief Effect
Als deze kaart aan het begin van je beurt in jouw Stal ligt, mag je tijdens de actiefase 2 kaarten spelen.
UU-Base-072-SP.png Spanish 2nd Edition
Comba Doble
Carta da Ventaja
Si esta carta se encuentra en tu Establo al inicio de tu turno, puedes jugar 2 cartas durante tu Fase de Acción.
UU-Base-072-CZ.png Czech 2nd Edition
Dvojité Švihadlo
Nachází-li se tato karta na začátku tvého tahu ve tvé Stáji, můžeš ve své fázi akce vyložit 2 karty.
UU-Base-072-DE.png German 2nd Edition
Falls sich diese Karte zu Beginn deines Zugs in deinem Stall befindet, darfst du 2 Karten in deiner Aktionsphase spielen.

Evolution of this Card
